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Hundreds of nationwide and international institutions administer exams through CollegeSuccess® as a comprehensive learner-centered college placement.
Hundreds of nationwide and international institutions administer exams through CollegeSuccess® as a comprehensive learner-centered college placement.
The P.E.R.T. is aligned with knowledge and skills Florida subject matter experts have determined to be essential for students entering college-level courses in English and Mathematics. Faculty at Florida colleges were asked to identify the competencies critical for success in entry-level college credit courses.
After the VPT was introduced, more students placed into and enrolled in college-level math courses, and these higher enrollments boosted completion rates, suggesting that the new placement policy and assessment instrument served to increase overall student progression.
Vantage partners with the City Colleges of Chicago to deliver the Reading-to-Write English Placement Test (RTW).
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Vantage partners with the City Colleges of Chicago to deliver the Reading-to-Write English Placement Test (RTW). The RTW is
designed to place students into the appropriate English course. Each test is read and reviewed by two or more trained English faculty members. There is no “pass” or “fail” for this test. Course placement reflects the strengths students already have and the areas in which they need further development.
The RTW consists of four parts:
"After the VPT was introduced, more students placed into and enrolled in college-level math courses, and these higher enrollments boosted completion rates, suggesting that the new placement policy and assessment instrument served to increase overall student progression.”
Vantage Learning delivers the Virginia Placement Test (VPT) across all 23 community colleges throughout the state. The VPT English and VPT Math tests are computerized placement tests that are used to evaluate students’ current English and Math skills respectively. The placement tests are not “pass” or “fail.” Instead, scores are used to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses, so they are not placed into classes that are too easy or difficult. While the tests are not timed, students are required to allow at least three hours for each test.
VPT English
The VPT English test consists of two weighted parts: the writing prompt, which is more heavily weighted, and the multiple-choice reading comprehension section. The VPT English test begins with a selection of writing prompts. The writing section is scored based upon a combination of the essay’s paragraph and sentence organization and structure, quality of content, overall unity, coherence of ideas, thesis statement, topic sentences, spelling, and grammar. After completing the writing section, students encounter a series of reading passages followed by multiple choice questions to evaluate students’ level of reading comprehension. At the conclusion of the test, a score report is generated indicating into which ENF and/or ENG classes the student should be placed.
VPT Math
The VPT Math test may include a variety of question types. Based on performance, the student experience may include questions ranging from basic arithmetic to pre-calculus. Students are encouraged to finish all sections to the best of their ability as skipping questions may result in improper course placement. At the conclusion of the test, each student receives a score report specifying into which MTE and/or MTH classes he/she has been placed.
“The P.E.R.T. is aligned with knowledge and skills Florida subject matter experts have determined to be essential for students entering college-level courses in English and Mathematics. Faculty at Florida colleges were asked to identify the competencies critical for success in entry-level college credit courses.”
Vantage delivers placement assessments via the Post-secondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) to the Colleges, Universities, and School Districts throughout the state of Florida. In addition to Computer Adaptive Tests (CATs) delivered for course placement, the PERT provides Diagnostic Assessments and associated developmental resources to ensure that underperforming students have the knowledge needed to master the competencies in which they underperformed. The PERT was developed by Subject Matter Experts at Vantage Learning in association with SMEs with the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE).
The PERT is administered to students in Florida to determine readiness for Intermediate Algebra (MAT 1033), College Algebra or higher (MAC 1105, MAC 1106, MGF1106, MGF1107), and Freshman Composition Skills I (ENC 1101.) Each PERT assessment is a computer adaptive test (CAT) with 25 operational items that determine the student’s placement and five (5) field test items designed to periodically refresh the item banks.
WriteVUE empowers leadership to monitor writing performance and student growth at both the “macro” and “micro” level:
WriteVUE provides critical data and actionable insight to inform district-level action plans.